Stronger support for foreign enterprises to "work in China and for the world"

4 2024/3


At the regular press conference held on February 28th, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade introduced the work of the special team for serving foreign-funded enterprises last year and the measures taken to serve foreign investment this year.

Yang Fan, spokesperson for the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, introduced that in 2023, the Council actively promoted the "three turns" of the work of the special team for serving foreign-funded enterprises, which shifted from collecting and reflecting demands to conducting in-depth research, from tracking and solving problems to optimizing the business environment, and from serving foreign-funded enterprises to helping local investment promotion. The results of various work have been significant. This is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Firstly, the high-level political business dialogue has achieved outstanding results.

The second is to improve the regular communication and exchange mechanism with foreign-funded enterprises and foreign business associations in China. Comrades in charge of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade have met with leaders of well-known multinational corporations over 100 times. The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade organized over 1200 symposiums, surveyed over 8000 foreign-funded enterprises, collected over 2100 demands from foreign-funded enterprises throughout the year, and promoted the proper resolution or effective response of over 1700 of them.

The third is to help attract investment and increase efficiency. The fruitful activities of foreign-funded enterprises such as "Tianjin trip", "Anhui trip", "Sichuan trip", and domestic and foreign enterprises such as "Xinjiang trip", "Gansu trip", and "Ningxia trip" have facilitated a number of investment projects and cooperation intentions. The "Invest in China" platform has released over 6000 investment projects, and local trade promotion associations have carried out over 600 overseas investment promotions, promoting the landing of nearly 2000 foreign-funded projects.

"This year, we will better leverage the role of the Special Task Force for Serving Foreign Funded Enterprises and the newly established China International Chamber of Commerce Foreign Funded Enterprise Working Committee to provide greater support for foreign funded enterprises to continue 'in China and for the world'." Yang Fan introduced that the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade will make greater efforts to serve the development of foreign enterprises in China, including launching a series of "local visits" activities for foreign funded enterprises in 2024; Continuously collecting demands from foreign-funded enterprises and promoting solutions; Conduct in-depth research on the business environment for foreign investment, understand the current development status and expectations of foreign enterprises in China, and propose policy recommendations.


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