"The Belt and Road" Tourism Explodes New Vitality

18 2024/2


The infrastructure connectivity of the "the Belt and Road" is the foundation of tourism development. The output of China's infrastructure technology, especially high-speed railway technology, has brought new breakthroughs to the "the Belt and Road" tourism, making the "the Belt and Road" personnel exchange more rapid and convenient, and will continue to promote regional tourism investment cooperation and cultural and artistic exchanges.

Zou Tongqian, the author of the Green Book, said that the infrastructure is stable and the "the Belt and Road" tourism connectivity is guaranteed. First of all, China's construction of China Europe regular trains, Yawan Railway and other land transportation not only improved the local transportation conditions, but also greatly improved the material and personnel connectivity of the "the Belt and Road" co construction country. In the future, the planning and construction of China EU tourism trains and China Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan railway will make the "the Belt and Road" tourism more convenient, enrich the "the Belt and Road" tourism products and innovate the service model. Secondly, China has been committed to jointly building national planned direct flights with the "the Belt and Road". Since 2023, China has achieved direct flights to cities such as Istanbul and Astana for the first time, and direct flights to Qatar have also been opened. In the future, with the increase of route planning and air transport capacity, the "Air Silk Road" will provide strong transportation support for the "the Belt and Road" tourism. In addition, port navigation will also make the destination selection of tourists from the "the Belt and Road" co construction countries more diversified, and give play to the hub advantages to achieve the same frequency resonance of the "the Belt and Road" sea, land, air and port.

In recent years, with the gradual acceleration of the "the Belt and Road" tourism digital transformation, big data, cloud computing and other technologies have played an important role in tourism marketing, product operation, tourism services and other aspects, expanding the "the Belt and Road" joint construction of national tourism cooperation space.

"Digital construction gives new impetus to the development of tourism along the the Belt and Road." Zou Tongqian said that the construction of smart customs and smart ports has greatly improved the customs clearance efficiency of tourists, and the establishment of electronic wallets and cross-border payment service systems has effectively improved the financial services along the the Belt and Road and improved the convenience of local life. Driven by digital technology, the "the Belt and Road" is expected to narrow the digital divide, improve connectivity, and promote information sharing and mutual trust and recognition.

The green book shows that the online live broadcast has expanded the new space for tourism trade of the "the Belt and Road". The "the Belt and Road" tourism has been constantly transforming and upgrading under the vigorous development of social media. In the past three years, online live broadcast with applications such as Tiktok and Kwai has built a new platform for the "the Belt and Road" tourism trade. Rwanda, Kenya, Singapore, Russia and other countries have all used live streaming platforms to promote local specialties. Ctrip Live's "Super Global Tour" has teamed up with the National Tourism Administration of Thailand to launch the first overseas live streaming station. The "2022 Overseas Chinese Tourism and Culture Week" planned by the Lao Chinese Cultural Center promotes the beautiful scenery and traditional Chinese culture of various parts of China to the Lao people. The powerful and precise traffic assistance of social media enables various tourism products to be presented more intuitively to the audience, effectively improving the conversion rate of tourism transactions. This efficient and accurate new e-commerce channel has effectively promoted the recovery of the "the Belt and Road" tourism market, and is expected to expand the "the Belt and Road" tourism consumption space.

Cloud based dialogues enrich new channels for people to people and cultural exchanges along the "the Belt and Road". Zou Tongqian said that relying on the development dividend of the digital economy, the "the Belt and Road" cultural exchange activities overcame the geographical restrictions, shone in the cloud space, and expanded the practical path of "the Belt and Road" cultural exchange. The "the Belt and Road" co built country accelerates people to people connectivity in a rich form. For example, in 2020, China and Italy celebrated the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries for the first time in the form of cloud based performance, in 2021, Chinese and Greek youth carried out people to people dialogue to enhance consensus through online forums, and online cultural experience activities for global youth on the Grand Canal led to the emergence of a series of new formats, such as "cloud performance", "cloud entertainment", "cloud viewing", and built a bridge for cultural exchanges on the "the Belt and Road", It has enhanced mutual understanding and respect among the people of the co construction country, not only promoted the rapid recovery of cultural and tourism vitality, but also helped the "the Belt and Road" to build consensus and strengthen friendly cooperation.


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