47 Latest Achievements of Institutional Innovation in Pilot Free Trade Zones Released

22 2024/1


According to the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Commerce has recently released 47 innovative achievements in the system of free trade pilot zones, including the fifth batch of 23 "best practice cases" and the third batch of 24 departmental pilot reform experiences, for reference and promotion by various regions in deepening reform and expanding opening up in related fields.

The 23 "best practice cases" focus on four areas: trade facilitation, government function transformation, factor resource guarantee, and high-quality industrial development. This includes specific cases such as the new "one-stop" regulatory model for cross-border e-commerce export returns, "seamless renewal" of enterprise licenses, integrated innovation for cross-border trade and investment facilitation, and the Open Innovation Center Plan for Large Enterprises.

The pilot experience of promoting reform in 24 departments mainly focuses on five areas, including foreign investment access, technological innovation, environmental protection, transportation, and finance. These include continuously promoting the reduction of negative lists for foreign investment access, promoting the construction of world-class new research and development institutions, innovating positive lists for ecological environment, promoting integrated innovation in international ship registration and classification management, and facilitating payment of capital project income.

As of now, a total of 349 innovative achievements in the free trade pilot zone system have been promoted at the national level. These achievements have played an important demonstration and leading role in promoting high-level opening up, improving the basic system of market economy, and promoting high-quality development in various regions, promoting the formation of a good situation of sharing the dividends of reform in free trade zones and promoting the inclusiveness of opening up achievements.


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