New regulations for foreign trade in January 2024

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Starting from January 1st, China will adjust import and export tariffs on some goods

Suspend tariff reductions for some products under the Cross Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement

Notice on Several Measures to Accelerate the Development of Domestic and Foreign Trade Integration

Revision and Release of the Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited or Restricted from Exporting in China

Singapore will suspend non bank and non card channels for remittances to China

China Australia Customs Implementing Mutual Recognition of Authorized Operators (AEO)

China Nicaragua Free Trade Agreement Enters into Force and Implements Tax Reduction

The United Arab Emirates prohibits the import of disposable plastic products

South Korea Lowers Tariffs on 76 Commodities

Implementation Rules for the Revision of the Special Law on the Safety Management of Imported Food in South Korea

Australia prohibits the import of disposable electronic cigarettes

Iraq imposes tariffs on imported goods, including gold

Extension of tax exemption policy for electric vehicle imports in Armenia

Brazil resumes levying import taxes on new energy vehicles

Mexico raises import tariffs on some products

Argentina updates its import payment system

Argentina makes preliminary anti-dumping ruling on zippers and their parts related to China


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