The freight volume of China Europe freight trains in 2023 reached a new high

28 2023/12

image.pngIn ancient times, there was the sound of camel bells, but now there is the roar of sirens. In 2023, the China Europe Express will continue to create new miracles, effectively ensuring the stability and smoothness of the international industrial chain supply chain, and inject strong momentum into the smooth domestic and international double circulation, promote the economic and social development of countries along the line, and jointly build the "the Belt and Road" with high-quality services. In the first 11 months of this year, the freight volume of China Europe freight trains exceeded the total volume of 2022.

As the year-end approaches, the China Europe freight train continues to bring good news. In 2023, the annual operating volume of China Europe Express (Xi'an) exceeded 5000 for the first time; The first China Europe freight train (Xi'an) and the western land sea new channel interconnection freight train will be launched; The first China Europe Express New Energy Vehicle Export Special Train in Tianjin departs from the East Xinjiang Comprehensive Bonded Zone; The first import grain special train of the China Europe freight train (Taizhou) has been launched; The number of China Europe freight trains entering and exiting the Erenhot Railway Port has exceeded 3000 for the first time since 2013

Setting new highs in train schedules and deepening interconnectivity

"As a brand highlight of the" the Belt and Road Initiative "jointly built by China and foreign countries, China Europe Express has comparative advantages of timeliness, safety, sufficient transport capacity and high cost performance. It has effectively solved technical and management problems such as different railway gauge, inspection and quarantine standards and customs declaration between countries with innovation." Chen Chao, an assistant researcher of the Institute of Contemporary China and the World, said in an interview with the reporter of China Trade News that in 2023, with the opening of trains The transportation of goods and access to cities has reached a new high. The development space of China Europe regular trains has been expanding, creating a new pattern of Asia Europe international transportation, and showing the picture of Chinese path to modernization connectivity.

Xi'an is the first city in China with an annual operating volume of over 5000 China Europe freight trains and a cumulative operating volume of over 20000 trains. On average, one China Europe freight train departs or arrives from Xi'an International Port Station every 100 minutes. As of December 19th, the China Europe Express (Xi'an) has operated a total of 5191 trains this year, exceeding the total number of trains operated in the same period last year, an increase of 15% compared to the same period last year.

On December 3rd, the X9592 train departed from Xi'an International Port Station, which was the first China Europe freight train (Salepta, Russia - Xi'an - Beibu Gulf - Lincha, Thailand) interconnected. The goods transported by this interconnected train depart from Saleputa, Russia and arrive at Xi'an International Port via the China Europe train. After seamless connection with the X9592 Western Land Sea New Channel train, they are sent to the Beibu Gulf Port and then transported by sea for 5 days to reach the Port of Linchaban, Thailand. Compared to traditional transportation modes, the entire transportation time is saved by 7 to 8 days. This train operation is the latest achievement of the China Europe Railway (Xi'an), relying on the China Europe Railway Xi'an gathering center and connecting with the western land sea new channel train.

In addition, Xi'an is continuously expanding the radiation range of China Europe freight trains across the Caspian Sea. In November, the China Europe Railway Chang'an Trans Caspian Sea International Transport Corridor (Xi'an Baku) special train set sail from Xi'an International Port Station with a whistle, left Khorgos Port, and ran to Baku Port in Azerbaijan via the Trans Caspian Sea International Transport Corridor. The whole journey took about 11 days. This train is a new product launched by Xi'an International Port Area in collaboration with Kazakhstan State owned Railway Company. It has the characteristics of faster transportation time, higher safety factor, and lower transportation cost.

Chen Chao said that since this year, China has actively participated in the construction of the trans Caspian international transport corridor, strengthened cooperation with Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and other Central Asian countries, and built a three-dimensional interconnection network of the "the Belt and Road". In the future, more China EU trains will run along the trans Caspian international transport corridor.

Assist products in "going global" and "bringing in"

Promoting high-quality development of multimodal transportation

In the overall positive trend of foreign trade this year, the development of China Europe freight trains has ushered in good opportunities. Various regions have expanded their dedicated trains to help more products go out and be introduced.

On December 14th, a China Europe freight train carrying 110 Great Wall Mocha new energy vehicles departed from Tianjin Xingang North Container Center Station in the East Xinjiang Comprehensive Bonded Zone and will arrive at Moscow Krest Station in about 18 days. This is the first time that the China Europe freight train (Tianjin) has carried Chinese made new energy vehicles for export to Europe, building an efficient and fast international logistics channel to assist the export of domestic new energy vehicles.

The relevant person in charge of Tianjin Haitie Lianjie Group Co., Ltd. stated that there is a strong demand for new energy vehicle exports this year. For new energy vehicles produced and manufactured in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, the shortest distance from Tianjin to the sea was originally 45 days by sea, and the route space was tight. Now, through the China Europe freight train, it can reach Central Asia, Europe and other places in just over two weeks. In addition, railway transportation prices are relatively low, safe and reliable, More and more shippers are choosing the China Europe freight train.

On December 13th, a return train carrying 50 containers (with a total weight of over 1300 tons and a total value of approximately 2.6 million yuan) of Kazakhstani imported wheat and wheat bran particles arrived in Taizhou, Zhejiang. This is also the first China Europe freight train (Taizhou) to import grain. "Directly from the procurement area in Kazakhstan to the Toumen Port in Taizhou not only facilitates on-site inspection of goods and quick handling of problematic goods, but also saves transportation costs. The average transportation cost per container has decreased by 10% compared to before," said Wang Yi, Deputy Director of the Open Economy Work Office in Linhai City, Taizhou.

The New Year's bell is about to ring. In the new year, the "Steel Camel Team" will continue to run tirelessly, carrying the aspirations of people from various countries for a better life and sailing in all directions.

Chen Chao told reporters that there are more opportunities for China Europe freight trains next year and they also need to be further improved. Firstly, the trend of green and low-carbon development will further increase the demand for China Europe freight trains. Compared with other modes of transportation, railways have absolute advantages in energy conservation and reducing carbon emissions. Secondly, in terms of digital "soft connectivity", it is necessary to strengthen digital management and operation, enhance the degree and level of information sharing, and share the development experience of China Europe freight trains. Thirdly, there is a serious shortage and imbalanced supply structure of international public goods in global infrastructure. The China Europe freight train should continue to play a bridging role in promoting domestic and international dual circulation, ensuring the stability and smoothness of the global industrial and supply chains. Especially from the perspective of promoting global supply chains, we should also accelerate the cultivation of a group of leading multimodal transportation enterprises with global influence. Fourthly, the supply of public goods in domestic regional infrastructure is also insufficient and unbalanced. It is necessary to further optimize the domestic layout such as the China Europe freight train assembly center, promote high-quality development of multimodal transportation, and accelerate the transformation from "point-to-point" to "hub to hub". The construction starting point is different in different regions and provinces, and "advantage reconstruction" should be achieved on the basis of fully utilizing comparative advantages, Promote the transformation of transportation location advantages into hub economic advantages.


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